[RM/234M] CAUGHT TO BE USED (Part Two) Featuring DIa Zerva
(Posted: August 21, 2009)
PD’s bitches have a lot of uses. dia is the kind of cunt you can get a lot of mileage out of. When she isn’t getting fucked or tortured PD has her working around the farm to keep everything in order. Good bitches even help set up their own torments. A little water and mud may not seem so bad at first, but once dia is covered from head to toe in the bitter cold her defeated whimpers are a sure sign the torment is working.
Of course PD cleans his toys before he puts them away and why should this slut be any different. He would waste hot water on showering a bitch but the freezing cold hose should do nicely. He even makes sure to spend extra time cleaning out her dirty little pussy. dia loves it so much she’s cumming from the intensity. When she’s had enough PD sticks her back in her cabinet for safe keeping.
【影片名稱】:CAUGHT TO BE USED (Part Two) Featuring DIa Zerva
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